Heavy Is The Head
New England IPA
Which base malt? Specialty malts? Adjuncts? ABV?
Mash Temp? Strike Water? Water treatment plan? PH?
Mash out? Vorlough time? Latuer speed?
Hops? Alpha Acids? IBU’s?
First Wort Additions? Boil? Whirlpool?
How long? At what temps?
Which yeast strain? Pitch rate? Fermentation temp?
Fruity Esters? Clean? % Attenuation? Floculation?
Dry hop? How many times?
Biotransform? Post Fermentation?
Which hops? How many pounds per barrel? Contact time?
Crash time? Crash temp? Crash speed?
Is the beer brite? Is the beer hazy? Any adjuncts to add?
Carbonation level? Temp? DO in check?
Branding? Marketing? Package type?
Price point? Point of sale? Places who will sell?
Delivery or taproom? Volumes for each? Release date?
Lay it down. Rest. Pick it back up.
Heavy indeed.